Dr. Adam Moore, clinical director of Utah Valley Counseling, presented a one-hour workshop on boundaries in pornography addiction recovery at the annual conference in Salt Lake City, Utah on April 18, 2015. This year’s UCAP conference was held in the Salt Palace Convention Center and hosted the largest audience in the conference’s history. Over 1600 attendees participated in keynote addresses by Ed Smart of Operation Underground Railroad and Elizabeth Smart as well as Dawn Hawkins of the .

Dr. Moore was joined by more than a dozen other presenters, providing workshops at conference breakout sessions. A summary of Dr. Moore’s presentation is provided below. Feel free to share a link to this presentation, via social media, to help those whose partners or spouses are struggling with pornography or sexual addiction.


Boundaries are an important part of sexual and pornography addiction recovery. However, the concept of boundaries can be confusing.This workshop covered the following topics: 1) definition of boundaries, 2) three different types of boundaries in addiction recovery, 3) specific examples of boundaries that can be set with self, family/friends, and the addict, 4) a detailed explanation of how and when to implement boundaries with example language to use. Toward the end of the workshop, Dr. Moore responds to audience questions on boundaries.

In addition to the presentation on boundaries in pornography addiction treatment, other media from this and past UCAP conferences can be viewed on the UCAP media page. The UCAP annual conference is the largest anti-pornography conference in the world. Leaders, clinicians, and community members are brought together each year to discuss issues related to prevention of harm, treatment of addiction, community action, legal issues, and other related topics regarding the increasing prevalence of pornography use across the world.



adam moore boundaries presentation