At Utah Valley Counseling, our therapists offer a wide variety of services. Click on one of the links below to learn more about the services we offer:

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Our providers offer a wide variety of therapy services in addition to dietitian and nutrition services for the residents of Utah. We offer marriage counseling, couples counseling, individual counseling, parenting help, counseling for teens, eating disorder counseling, EMDR, ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), faith crisis counseling, counseling for faith transitions, counseling for mixed faith marriages, treatment for anxiety, depression, OCD, counseling for maternal mental health concerns (including post-partum depression and anxiety), help for compulsive behaviors, self-esteem, life transitions and many other concerns. At Utah Valley Counseling, we have over 35 dedicated and skilled mental health providers who are passionate about helping you find the help you need. We accept most major insurances and have a kind and compassionate client care team who will answer your questions.

Utah Valley Counseling is a Sela Health company. We have offices and providers across Utah County, Southern Utah and Nevada.

Results of Therapy Counseling Utah Valley